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Haptics play an essential role in your product design. You want to make sure the feel is just right, and so do we. In fact, we’re haptics perfectionists.

The Audia Elastomers team has decades of experience in TPE or thermoplastic elastomer materials, so we can help you achieve an amazingly wide range of tactile experiences, including tacky, grippy, neutral, dry, soft, silky, and even leather. Each can be achieved in any hardness, giving you the flexibility to imagine unlimited possibilities.

Our dedication to creating innovative, tailored formulations means we’re uniquely positioned to be responsive and deliver a TPE solution with a customized feel.


  • Wide range of hardness for all tactile categories
  • Wide range of hand or drape solutions
  • Tailored formulations for a customized feel


Choose from one of the many grades we have available, or let us design something just for you.

or feel free to call us

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